Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nice day

Some one did something nice for me today. It wasn't very significant, but it made me smile anyway. I was on my way home from my business class and I come to this stoplight and then I wait until the traffic is clear and then I turn left. Anyway, the stoplight is red and the oncoming traffic at this light backs up pretty quick. So...the light turns green and I pull out into the intersection waiting for the traffic to clear and the first car in the oncoming traffic waves me on to go first! I didn't even have the right of way! I thought that was pretty nice, although the cars behind the other guy (who was letting me go) were starting to honk. Oh, well. :) It was a little kindess that made me glad there was someone else out there in the world who felt like being nice to a stranger.

Being on the subject of traffic reminds me of police cars. I thought I would try and post an older tv show from the late 1960s and early 1970s--Adam 12 as soon as I figure it out. ;) I really enjoy it, so I thought someone else might too. I will try and write some more hymn stories. I love them too (thanks Lindsay :)


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