It has been awhile since I wrote anything, because I have been quite busy. One highlight is that my family was able to go on a trip to San Diego, California to visit some dear friends of ours. It was very enjoyable and we made some special memories together. We stayed for 5 days. It was kind of cool and there was a downpour of rain one day, but overall it was nice weather. However, it was not warm enough to get a tan, so I am still quite a paleface. :) Hopefully I will get some pictures up. The scenery was so beautiful! It was just as pretty as I imagined it to be. If I had the chance to spend the summer there, I would go lickety-split. (I would just have to find another way to get there other by plane. Flying is NOT my favorite.) And just so everyone knows, for those unbelievers ;), the ocean is truly salty. Honestly, I thought people had been making that up all along! Just kidding.
I had better get going. I have a lot to do before morning comes. *Sigh* Goodnight.